I-PR packing and palletising station

The I-PR Packing and palletising station for the end of the line uses a suitable gripping device (grippers, plates with suction cups) to pack and place the most varied types of products on pallets, benches or into containers with side edges.
The pallets are fed by a dispenser loaded by the operator with the use of a forklift truck. The finished pallets are picked up by the operator from the outfeed side, with the use of a forklift truck. The entire perimeter of the automated station is protected by safety light curtains and mesh guards.
- The safety devices handled by the CPU SAF integrated in the PLC, which manages
- the emergency button on the main keypad
- the emergency button on the operator’s side
- the emergency button on the station access door side
- the internal emergency button of tool changer area station
- Safety door on the operator side